About Eorzea Collection

Eorzea Collection started in March, 2016 as a gear catalogue website.
However, it wasn't until a few months later that it became a place to share your personal glamours and browse through an extensive collection of looks for your Final Fantasy XIV character.

8 years later, and with a great community behind it, Eorzea Collection is now a website of reference - a collection of collections, all about glamour.
From glamours to dyes and articles, and with a lot more to come, I hope you enjoy this website that is purely an act of love for FFXIV.

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Glamour Collection
your own
Glamour Creations
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and Articles
Participate in
Community Contests
and Glamour Challenges

Eorzea Collection would be nothing without all the amazing people supporting it.
Come meet our contributors and get to know our ever-growing Discord community!