Where's Alpha? #2

- Plum Spring -

Apr 3rd, 2020
Where's Alpha? #2
Plum Spring
suggested by Neko Yanagi Una Elakha
Plum Spring

Kweh, explorers!

Welcome to another edition of Where's Alpha?, where I - your loyal friend and wandering chocobo - explore the realm following your suggestions.

Today I'm exploring Plum Spring - a truly hidden paradise amidst the mountains of the Gensui Chain. This natural spring can be found near Namai, a village in the heart of Yanxia, named after the local word for the aquatic arrowhead plant, an allusion to its long history in rice farming.

Fortunately, the iron hand of Empire left this scenery untouched. The crystalline waters still flow and nurture the surrounding rose-colored vegetation, blending perfectly together and creating the most enchanting scenery.

If you ever find yourself in the far east, be sure to stop by!

Plum Spring Plum Spring

Time of day: Morning
Color Filter: Bright 1
GShade preset: RePlenishedLife

I hope you enjoyed this small tour and look forward to further exploring this kwehful world with me.

Until next time!

Do you wanna contribute to Where's Alpha? Share your favorite in-game locations in the #places-to-go channel of our Discord and Alpha will explore your suggestions!


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- Wandering Chocobo -


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