Heavy Metal Challenge

January's Glamour Theme

Feb 16th, 2021
Heavy Metal Glamour Challenge

What is the Glamour Challenge? Every month, our Patrons vote on a theme for the glamour challenge through our Discord and come up with a glamour that fits that theme.

Last month we've issued another Glamour Challenge to our Patrons!

The theme was Heavy Metal, and patrons were challenged to create some metal glamours, either in armour or in style!

If you were looking for something on the heavier side or something cool to wear on the edge of society, we hope you get inspired by this challenge!

Below you can find the glamours that were used in this feature:

Glamours submitted

I hope you enjoyed this glamour challenge, and our next one will be really good!
Also, thank you to all the Patrons who have contributed to this glamour challenge!


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- the Challenger -


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